Privacy Policy

Privacy is very important in Pocket AI.
Services used: Pocket AI uses 3 third party services and only 3, no data is sent to other services. First, Pocket AI uses Firebase to authenticate each user and store each user’s data. The data that is stored in Firebase is as follows: name (given when you sign in with apple), email (also given when signing in with apple), and words remaining. That’s it, Pocket AI only stores what’s necessary. And to clarify, this is necessary to allow users to sign in with one account on multiple devices. Second, Revenue Cat is used to handle purchases in Pocket AI. There is no restore purchases button in Pocket AI because your account is tied to Revenue Cat with the anonymous id provided by Apple after using sign in with apple. This means you will have the same purchases and number of words remaining on any device as long as you sign in with the same Apple ID. Third, Pocket AI uses the Open AI api to request gpt-3.5 turbo responses to your questions. Chat data is stored only in 2 places, once on your physical device, and again to your personal iCloud where only you will have access to. Your data for each chat will be permanently erased after deleting the chat. This data will also be sent through the Open AI api to be processed by its GPT language model. As of March 3, 2023, Open AI will no longer collect this data and only store it for a maximum of 30 days to monitor abuse. If you would like to learn more about how Open AI uses your data please check here. Beyond this specific case, your data is never shared or stored on public servers or accessible by anyone other than you. If you decide to use your own api key, keep in mind this key is stored to your device only, no exceptions. It is stored in your Apple Keychain where it is the most secure.

Calendar, Reminders, Speech Recognition, Location, and Contacts: With your permission, Pocket AI will use your calendar, reminders, speech recognition, location, or contacts to improve your experience with the AI chatbot. This is your personal data and will only be accessed when you intentionally request it. Calendars and Reminders can be used with either functions or by adding content in the chat text field. In functions, Calendars and Reminders are only used to save new data when you ask the AI to add a calendar event or reminder. In the add content section in a chat text field, Calendar and Reminders are only read up to about a month in the future to allow the AI to help manage your events and reminders. Speech recognition is only used when adding a video or audio file to your chat text field. It is used to transcribe audio to text. Location services are only used with the Weather and Directions functions. Both functions will only read your location if you ask for weather or directions from your location. Contacts are used with the send message and send email functions. Contacts are only read when asking the AI to send a message/email to a specific name. The AI will then search your contacts for that name, then only read the phone number or email address. No other contact data is read and not contact data is ever saved.

Deleting your Account: All Pocket AI accounts can be deleted in settings. Scroll to the bottom to find the “Danger Zone”, then choose the “Delete Account” button, but be very careful. Deleting your account will erase your words remaining. If you purchased words, you will not be refunded if you decide to delete your own account. By deleting your account you are deleting your data from Revenue Cat, Firebase, and Apple (you sign in with apple is no longer tied to Pocket AI). You should receive an email from Apple saying your token has been revoked from Pocket AI. If there are any issues with deleting your account or any other questions, please email me with the link below.